Himachal with Golden Temple Tour Ex Amritsar

Duration : 06 Days / 05 Nights Tour
Amritsar + Dharamshala 2N + Dalhousie 2N + Amritsar 1N

Day 01 : Arrive Pathankot / Amritasr to Dharmshala

Arrive Pathankot Railway station / Amritsar Airport. On arrival meet & greet by our representative & transfer you to Dharamshala - a hill station lying on the spur of the Dhauladhar Mountains about 18 kms north east of Kangra, It is known for its scenic beauty set amidst high pine and oak trees. Since 1960, when it became the temporary headquarters of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Dharamshala has risen to international repute as “The Little Lhasa in India”. Dinner & Overnight stay in Dharamshala.

Day 02 : In Dharamsala

After breakfast, visit to His holiness Dalai lama’s residence at Mcleodganj. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH : 8 km from Dharamsala, between Forsythganj and Mcleodganj is the charming church of St. John in the Wilderness. Under the shade of deodar branches, a memorial has been erected over the body of the British Viceroy, Lord Elgin who died at Dharamsala in 1863. War memorial : a monument raised to commemorate the post independence war heroes of Himachal Pradesh. Kangra Art Museum : this treasure trove of the Kangra Valley displays arts, crafts and rich past, artifacts that date back to the 5th century. It includes a gallery of Kangra's famous miniature painting and a representative collection of sculptures, pottery and anthropological items. Shamianas and dresses used by local royalty, old carved doors, jails, lintels and pandals are also on display Coins, jewelry and manuscripts are included. A section houses the work of contemporary artists, sculptures and photographers. Dinner & Overnight stay in Dharamshala.

Day 03 : Dharmshala to Dalhousie (130 Kms / 4 hours)

After Breakfast, drive to Dalhousie - named after the British Governor General of the l9th century, Lord Dalhousie. It is surrounded by varied vegetation – pines, deodars, oaks and flowering rhododendron. Its location presents panoramic views of the plains and like a long silver line, the river Ravi twists and turns below Dalhousie. The spectacular snow-covered Dhauladhar mountains are also visible from this enchanting town. On arrival Check-In at your hotel. Later visit to Panchpula – this is a picturesque spot where a stream feed a series of pools. A monument has been built here in memory of the freedom fighter, Sardar Ajit Singh. Subhash Baoli - it was at this enchanting spot surrounded by majestic trees, that Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose spent time in 1937, contemplating and meditating. Kalatop - this wild life sanctuary is a home to the 'ghoral' and Himalayan black bear. Also visit to St. Andrew's Church, St. Patrick's Church at Balun, St. Francis church at Subhash Chowk and St.John's Church at Gandhi Chowk - these are beautiful churches in Dalhousie. Dinner & Overnight stay in Dalhousie.

Day 04 : In Dalhousie

After breakfast, excursion tour to Chamba via Khajjiar 56 Kms from Dalhousie. Khajjiar - often called India's Switzerland, the exquisite glade of Khajjiar (1960m) has a circumference of about 5 kms along its fringes, thick forests of deodar climb the slopes, the snow-line rests above these woods. At Khajjiar there is a 12th century temple dedicated to KhajjI Nag, within the temple are life size wooden images of the five Pandav brothers. Chamba – a small town stands on the right bank of the river Ravi. As a former princely State, it is one of the oldest in the century and dates back to the sixth century. Dinner & Overnight stay in Dalhousie.

Day 05 : Dalhousie to Amritsar (200 Kms / 4 hours)

After breakfast, drive to Amritsar. On arrival Check-In at your hotel. Later visit to Golden Temple - famous for its full golden dome, it is one of the most sacred pilgrim centre for Sikhs. Jallian wala bagh - the memorial commemorates the 2000 Indians who were killed or wounded, shot indiscriminately by the British under the command of Gen Michael O"Dyer on April 13, 1919 while participating in a peaceful public meeting. In the evening visit to Wagah - an army outpost on Indo Pak border between Amritsar and Lahore, is an elaborate complex of buildings, roads and barriers on both sides. The daily highlight is the evening "Beating the Retreat" ceremony. Soldiers from both countries march in perfect drill, going through the steps of bringing down their respective national flags. As the sun goes down, nationalistic fervour rises and lights are switched on marking the end of the day amidst thunderous applause. Dinner & Overnight stay in Amritsar.

Day 06 : Leave Amritsar

Morning after breakfast, transfer you to airport to board the flight for your onward destination.

Himachal with Golden Temple Tour concludes with wonderful memories

For more details / special rates / reservation, please email your request at: gtrtours@yahoo.com

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